01706 812947

Rochdale Road, Walsden, Todmorden OL14 6RR


School Council 

School Council

The aim of the Walsden St Peter’s School Council is to act as a forum where the views and ideas of the whole school can be shared and acted on.

 School Councillors are democratically elected annually by their class. A girl and a boy represent each class for a year in KS 1 and KS2. Mrs Williams acts as the chair and secretary.

 Each year councillors suggest fundraising events and charities to support, which are then presented to each class to vote on. The choices then become the focus for the year. The School Councillors are responsible for organising, advertising and running each event. At the end of the year all monies raised are shared equally between the chosen charities.

 Regular meetings are held where events are discussed and the class ideas boxes are shared with the council, who decide whether to act on them or not. Each meeting has an agenda and minutes. School Councillors share the minutes with their class.

 During 2021-22 the School Council ran four events: a café for the outdoor Christmas Carol Service (£134.40), a new and second-hand uniform sale (£115.00), an animal treasure hunt (£195.50) and ‘Friday Giving’ (£130.25). A total of £575.15 was raised – well done, councillors! This money was shared between Overgate Hospice, Parkinson’s UK and Water Aid.

During 2022-23 the School Council ran four events: tree planting in the school field (£260), a cookie sale (£142.96), summer fair (£81.50), ‘Friday Giving’  (£66)  A total of £550.46 was raised – well done, councillors! This money will be shared between Andy’s Man Club, WWF and Unicef.

During 2023-24 they will be raising funds for. -  TBC


Cookie backing fundraiser
Cookie backing fundraiser

Litter picking duties

Getting ready for the treasure hunt fundraiser
Getting ready for the treasure hunt fundraiser

January 2024.  We organised a football week to raise money.  Bertie Bee from Burnley FC came and pupils could have their photo taken with him.  We also arranged football lessons and a raffle.

December 2023.  Y5 councillor Annabelle raised funds for the school council charities with a home baking stall at Robinwood Christmas Fair.  

December 2023 - Raising funds at the Christmas Fair
December 2023 - Raising funds at the Christmas Fair
June 2023 - Brightening up the playground
June 2023 - Brightening up the playground
October 2023 - Brightening up the playground with colourful banners
October 2023 - Brightening up the playground with colourful banners
November 2022 - We raised £260 by people planting trees in memory of someone special
November 2022 - We raised £260 by people planting trees in memory of someone special
Treeplanting on the school field
Treeplanting on the school field
Treasure hunt fun!
Treasure hunt fun!