Year 2
Teacher Mrs Allely
Year 2
Y2 curriculum booklet - Autumn
Y2 curriculum booklet - Spring
Autumn Topic Web - coming soon
Spring Topic Web - coming soon
Summer Topic Web - coming soon
GREAT FIRE OF LONDON - November 2024
As homework for this terms topic, everyone made a replica 1600s London street house. They were amazing and made with so much detail and reminiscent of the era - well done everyone! Mrs Allely then lined them all up to depict a typical London streetscene in 1666 and carefully set them alight, bringing the Great Fire of London to Walsden!. A great end to a great topic. WELL DONE ALL.
Our Y2 class took part in an outdoor workshop with Alfresco Learning. Linked to their topic work on the Great Fire of London, they got down and muddy on the school field making wattle and daub with sticks and mud. They also used different materials to make Thomas Farrier’s bakery. Everyone had a great time, and the workshop leader was very impressed with all the facts the children knew about the Great Fire of London.
Thank you FOW for supporting this activity with a contribution towards the total cost.